AKT Vejleder / Wellbeing and Learning Support Specialist

Welcome to the Latest Job Vacancies Site 2024 and at this time we would like to inform you of the Latest Job Vacancies from the International School Billund with the position of AKT Vejleder / Wellbeing and Learning Support Specialist - International School Billund which was opened this.

If this job matches your qualifications, please send your application directly through our latest Job site. Indeed, every job is not easy to apply because it must meet several qualifications and requirements that we must meet in accordance with the standard criteria of the Company who are looking for potential candidates to work. Good job information AKT Vejleder / Wellbeing and Learning Support Specialist - International School Billund below matches your qualifications. Good Luck: D

A clean ‘børneattest’ (criminal record) will be required of all candidates offered a position at ISB. It is essential that you are a trained Wellbeing and…...


International School of Billund søger pr. 1. august 2024 to nye AKT-vejledere til vores Primary School afdeling. Stillingerne er fuldtidsstillinger og består af AKT-vejledningsopgaver samt én-til-én støtteopgaver med elever. Behovet for to nye AKT medarbejdere er opstået da vores nuværende AKT vejleder har ændret position til Deputy Head of Primary School og fordi skolen udvider fra to til tre klasser per årgang.

På ISB mener vi, at fundamentet for al læring og udvikling er trivsel. Med vores anerkendende børnesyn og tro på at børn gør det godt, når de kan, arbejder vi pædagogisk og relationelt målrettet mod at til at skabe gode og trygge rammer for læring og trivsel for vores elever, så de kan udvikle deres fulde potentiale.

Som AKT-vejleder vil du blive en del af vores Learning Support Specialist team, der i samarbejde med lærerne udarbejder handleplaner, der sikrer deltagelsesmuligheder og individuelt tilrettelagte indsatser.

Du skal arbejde én-til-én med elever, der har brug for det, guide kollegaer med ansvar for én-til-én støtte, samt kolleger, der har klasse-ansvar. Du skal sikre dokumentation af processer og indsatser.

Du skal være rollemodel for den pædagogiske retning som kendetegner vores skole/ISB.

  • Inklusion og stærke børnefællesskaber for alle børn.
  • Indsatser for børn med særlige behov.
  • Tidlig opsporing og indsats i forhold til barnet og familien.

Det er afgørende, at du er uddannet AKT-vejleder, og har erfaring med børn i alderen 6 til 11 år. Vi forventer, at du er bekendt med dansk lovgivning, og har erfaring med kommunalt og regionalt samarbejde.

Vores fælles sprog er engelsk, så du skal kunne begå dig professionelt på engelsk både skriftligt og mundtligt. Det vil være muligt at få træning for at forbedre dine engelskkundskaber.

Wellbeing and Learning Support Specialist.

Are you committed to Playful Learning, and would you like to work with children and colleagues from all around the world at a great school, where we strive to be the best at what we do? Then keep on reading!

International School of Billund is seeking two new Wellbeing and Learning Support Specialists for our Primary School, commencing August 1, 2024. The positions are full-time and consist of wellbeing and learning support tasks along with 1-to-1 support tasks. The need for two new AKT (Advisory Teacher) employees has arisen due to our current AKT/Well-being specialist changing position to Deputy Head of Primary School, and because the school is expanding from two to three classes per grade level.

At ISB, we believe that the foundation of all learning and development is wellbeing. With our positive view of children and belief that children do well when they can, we work pedagogically and relationally towards creating good and safe learning environments for our students, where all children thrive, learn, and develop their full potential.

As a Wellbeing and Learning Support Specialist, you will be part of our Learning Support Specialist team, collaborating with teachers to develop interventions that ensure participation opportunities and individually tailored support measures. You will work one-on-one with students who need it, guide colleagues responsible for one-on-one support, as well as colleagues with class responsibilities. You will ensure documentation of processes and interventions.

You will role model the pedagogical direction that characterises our school/ISB:

  • Inclusion and strong child communities for all children.
  • Interventions for children with special needs.
  • Early detection and intervention in relation to the child and the family.

It is essential that you are a trained Wellbeing and Learning Support Specialist (AKT uddannelsen) and have experience with children aged 6 to 11 years. We expect you to be familiar with Danish legislation and have experience with municipal and regional collaboration.

Our common language is English, so you must be able to communicate professionally in English both in writing and verbally. Training opportunities to enhance English skills will be available.

We offer:

  • A multicultural and respectful working environment with great colleagues, a sense of community and appreciative leadership
  • Salary and terms of employment according to Organisationsaftale for lærere og børnehaveklasseledere ved frie grundskoler samt efterskoler og frie fagskoler and Fællesoverenskomsten mellem Finansministeriet og Lærernes Centralorganisation.
  • (Ansættelse sker i henhold til ”Organisationsaftale for lærere og børnehaveklasseledere ved frie grundskoler samt efterskoler og frie fagskoler” og ”Fællesoverenskomsten mellem Finansministeriet og Lærernes Centralorganisation”.)

Please include:

  • A description of your work visa status in Denmark

· A copy of relevant exams and qualifications · If available, documentation from the Danish Ministry of Higher Education and Science

A clean ‘børneattest’ (criminal record) will be required of all candidates offered a position at ISB.

We encourage qualified teachers of all genders, ages, and ethnicities to apply.

Information :

  • Company : International School Billund
  • Position : AKT Vejleder / Wellbeing and Learning Support Specialist
  • Location : 7190 Billund
  • Country : DK

How to Submit an Application:

After reading and knowing the criteria and minimum requirements for qualifications that have been explained from the AKT Vejleder / Wellbeing and Learning Support Specialist job info - International School Billund 7190 Billund above, thus jobseekers who feel they have not met the requirements including education, age, etc. and really feel interested in the latest job vacancies AKT Vejleder / Wellbeing and Learning Support Specialist job info - International School Billund 7190 Billund in 15-05-2024 above, should as soon as possible complete and compile a job application file such as a job application letter, CV or curriculum vitae, FC diploma and transcripts and other supplements as described above, in order to register and take part in the admission selection for new employees in the company referred to, sent via the Next Page link below.

Next Process

Attention - In the recruitment process, legitimate companies never withdraw fees from candidates. If there are companies that attract interview fees, tests, ticket reservations, etc. it is better to avoid it because there are indications of fraud. If you see something suspicious please contact us: support@joboio.com

Post Date : 15-05-2024