Lastbilchauffører søges

Welcome to the Latest Job Vacancies Site 2024 and at this time we would like to inform you of the Latest Job Vacancies from the CAVA Service ApS with the position of Lastbilchauffører søges - CAVA Service ApS which was opened this.

If this job matches your qualifications, please send your application directly through our latest Job site. Indeed, every job is not easy to apply because it must meet several qualifications and requirements that we must meet in accordance with the standard criteria of the Company who are looking for potential candidates to work. Good job information Lastbilchauffører søges - CAVA Service ApS below matches your qualifications. Good Luck: D

The EU continuing education and driver's license are a necessity. Hvis ovenstående lyder som noget for dig, er du velkommen til at sende en ansøgning, hvor du…...

SHN Group søger til egen virksomhed og for kunder i transportbranchen chauffører til transport af gods og fødevarer i Danmark.

Vores ønske til en ny kollega vil være:

  • Du sætter stor pris på at samarbejde og du giver gerne en hånd med, der hvor det er nødvendigt.
  • Du er fleksibel, mødestabil, og god til at bevare overblikket også når det går stærkt.
  • Du er indstillet på at arbejde minimum hver anden weekend.
  • Det er en fordel, hvis du har erfaring med distributionskørsel, men ikke et krav.
  • Det forventes, at du som minimum kan kommunikere på engelsk. Andre fremmedsprog er også en fordel.
  • EU-efteruddannelsen samt førerkort er en nødvendighed.

Ansøgning og kontakt:

Hvis ovenstående lyder som noget for dig, er du velkommen til at sende en ansøgning, hvor du også bedes vedhæfte dit CV, med en kort beskrivelse af din erhvervserfaring.

For nærmere info, kan du sende en mail til

Vi ser ansøgere med følgende typer af kørekort

- B - Almindelig bil

- C - Stor lastbil

- CE - Stor lastbil med stort påhængskøretøj


SHN Group is looking for drivers for the transport of goods and food in Denmark.

Our desire for a new colleague will be:

  • You greatly value cooperation and you are happy to lend a hand where necessary.
  • You are flexible, stable in meetings, and good at keeping an overview even when things are going fast.
  • You are prepared to work at least every other weekend.
  • It is an advantage if you have experience with distribution driving, but not a requirement.
  • It is expected that you can communicate in English as a minimum. Other foreign languages are also an advantage.
  • The EU continuing education and drivers license are a necessity.

Application and contact:

If the above sounds like something to you, you are welcome to send an application, where you are also asked to attach your CV, with a brief description of your work experience.

For more information, you can send an email to

We see applicants with the following types of driving licence

- B - Ordinary car

- C - Large truck

- CE - Large truck with large trailer

Information :

  • Company : CAVA Service ApS
  • Position : Lastbilchauffører søges
  • Location : Danmark
  • Country : DK

How to Submit an Application:

After reading and knowing the criteria and minimum requirements for qualifications that have been explained from the Lastbilchauffører søges job info - CAVA Service ApS Danmark above, thus jobseekers who feel they have not met the requirements including education, age, etc. and really feel interested in the latest job vacancies Lastbilchauffører søges job info - CAVA Service ApS Danmark in 31-05-2024 above, should as soon as possible complete and compile a job application file such as a job application letter, CV or curriculum vitae, FC diploma and transcripts and other supplements as described above, in order to register and take part in the admission selection for new employees in the company referred to, sent via the Next Page link below.

Next Process

Attention - In the recruitment process, legitimate companies never withdraw fees from candidates. If there are companies that attract interview fees, tests, ticket reservations, etc. it is better to avoid it because there are indications of fraud. If you see something suspicious please contact us:

Post Date : 31-05-2024