Welcome to the Latest Job Vacancies Site 2024 and at this time we would like to inform you of the Latest Job Vacancies from the Leman with the position of FORWARDING AGENT - PHARMA ROAD - Leman which was opened this.

If this job matches your qualifications, please send your application directly through our latest Job site. Indeed, every job is not easy to apply because it must meet several qualifications and requirements that we must meet in accordance with the standard criteria of the Company who are looking for potential candidates to work. Good job information FORWARDING AGENT - PHARMA ROAD - Leman below matches your qualifications. Good Luck: D

You'll have the freedom to structure your workday in a way that suits you best, whether that means working from home, adjusting your hours, or taking time off…...

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Greve, Denmark

Når vores kunder beder os om at fragte deres varer fra A til B er det en tillidssag. Og tilliden skal være ekstra høj, når det gælder potentielt livsvigtigt medicin. Lige nu søger vi en Forwarding Agent til vores Pharma Road team, der kan give vores kunder en følelse af at være i de bedste og tryggeste hænder.

Hvad tilbyder vi
Du bliver en del af et dedikeret team med høj faglighed og stærkt fællesskab. Vi sætter frihed og fleksibilitet højt og hvis du sidder med en særlig interesse eller ønske for udvikling i en bestemt retning, så er vi åbne.
Du bliver desuden del af en people-first virksomhed; vi stræber altid efter at sætte vores folk i højsædet - uden dem er der ikke noget LEMAN.

Hvad skal du lave
Som Forwarding Agent bliver du én af vores skarpe hjerner bag vores Pharma transporter. Med base i Greve og som en del af et team på 16, kommer du til at:

Disponere Pharma transporter i Europa
Have konstant dialog med kunderne i forbindelse med behandling af ordrer, igangsættelse af bookinger, opfølgning på sendinger, og udarbejdelse af tilbud/ad hoc priser
Samarbejde med forskellige partnere, leverandører, agenter og kolleger over hele Europa.
Optimere og udvikle arbejdsgange og løsninger; vi byder din kreativitet og idérigdom velkommen her!

Hvem leder vi efter
Det lyder måske kliché, men vi mener det, når vi siger, at vi leder efter dig, der får et kick ud af at levere høj kvalitet gang på gang på gang.
Her får du nemlig et særligt udfordrende job, hvor det gælder om at holde tungen lige i munden, når du planerer bilerne med gods, der potentielt er med til at redde liv. Derfor er det uhyre vigtigt, at du arbejder med fokus på alle detaljer, og at grundighed, gennemsigtighed og ordentlighed er en dyd for dig - ligesom det er for resten af os. Lige så vigtigt er det, at du trives i en udadvendt rolle og forstår vigtigheden af at være på forkant med at holde kunderne orienteret.

Vi søger ikke kun din faglige ekspertise – men også en positiv, sjov og hjælpsom kollega, der kommer ind med en god vibe og sætter det sociale fællesskab højt. Ud over fredagsbar og årlige events (sommerfest, julefrokost, DHL-stafet m.m.) planlægger vi selv et årligt arrangement.

På papiret forestiller vi os, at du:
Har et par års erfaring med disponering af egne biler
Gerne har erfaring med Pharma transporter (dog ikke en showstopper, hvis du ikke har)
Taler og skriver flydende dansk og/eller engelsk (no worries, if you don’t speak Danish but master English on a high level, we’d love to hear from you)

Nok om os. Nu vil vi gerne høre om dig! Vi behøver ikke en lang ansøgning, send blot dit CV med et par linjer om, hvorfor du finder stillingen interessant og hvorfor du mener, at det er dig vi skal have med på holdet.
Vi modtager både ansøgninger på dansk og engelsk og har du nogle spørgsmål, er du mere end velkommen til at kontakte Kenneth Willumsen, Team Lead på eller Peter Jonsson, Department Manager på

Vi glæder os til at høre fra dig!

What We Offer
Flexibility: We understand that life is unpredictable, which is why we offer flexible working arrangements, where possible, to help you achieve a healthy work-life balance. Youll have the freedom to structure your workday in a way that suits you best, whether that means working from home, adjusting your hours, or taking time off when you need it.
Sabbatical: Need a break from the daily grind? We offer sabbatical opportunities to take extended time off to recharge, explore your passions, and come back to work feeling refreshed and inspired.
Investment in Professional Development: Were committed to helping our people grow and reach their full potential.
Global Travel Opportunities: Were a global organization with offices around the world, which means that there are plenty of opportunities to travel and experience new cultures.
Social and Company Events: We believe that work should be enjoyable, which is why we organize regular social and company events to bring our people together.

Do you want to hear more of what it is like to work at LEMAN? Take a look for yourself here

About Us
From Denmark to China, Vietnam to Mexico, we employ over 800 talented and dedicated people. Established in 1900, LEMAN is a forward-thinking, value-driven, and people-centric organization. We endeavor to lead a culture of quality and collaboration, where everyone feels empowered to be their best.
Every day, we help companies and people all over the world by delivering high-quality logistics and transport solutions. We always strive to uphold our values in our approach to customers, colleagues, our surroundings, and the environment.
We provide supply chain and transport solutions, and we offer our services in 150+ countries through our own offices and a network of close partners. Our approach is personalized customer care. We dont create standard products but focus on individual needs and solutions. With more than 800 dedicated LEMAN colleagues worldwide, we are large enough to deliver high-quality global supply chain solutions while remaining small enough to care about each and every one of our customers.

Our Values

Were driven by our core values of Quality, Commitment and Respect. Join our dynamic team where we encourage authenticity, foster meaningful connections, and inspire bold ideas to shape a brighter future.

Information :

  • Company : Leman
  • Location : Hjemmearbejdsplads in 2670 Greve
  • Country : DK

How to Submit an Application:

After reading and knowing the criteria and minimum requirements for qualifications that have been explained from the FORWARDING AGENT - PHARMA ROAD job info - Leman Hjemmearbejdsplads in 2670 Greve above, thus jobseekers who feel they have not met the requirements including education, age, etc. and really feel interested in the latest job vacancies FORWARDING AGENT - PHARMA ROAD job info - Leman Hjemmearbejdsplads in 2670 Greve in 14-06-2024 above, should as soon as possible complete and compile a job application file such as a job application letter, CV or curriculum vitae, FC diploma and transcripts and other supplements as described above, in order to register and take part in the admission selection for new employees in the company referred to, sent via the Next Page link below.

Next Process

Attention - In the recruitment process, legitimate companies never withdraw fees from candidates. If there are companies that attract interview fees, tests, ticket reservations, etc. it is better to avoid it because there are indications of fraud. If you see something suspicious please contact us:

Post Date : 14-06-2024